The very first thing that we in MX-3 try to establish with our new customers is whether or not they are clear and specific about who the brand is meant to serve, how it does it and why do existing customers find it relevant, to them.
Allow me to put this in a checklist; we try to determine if the client,
Answers to the above questions help us to determine whether the brand is living up to its promise and whether it is being used to facilitate decision making. We get a feel for whether public perception is really a reflection of what the brand is and if it is a fair statement about the brand’s beliefs.
We have found that many business owners aren’t comfortable in this area. They usually spend approximately 70/80% of their time ‘running’ the business and “don’t have time for marketing stuff”. At the very least, we try to enforce the notion that a critical aspect of their brand development is that of their brand proposition.
There are many different names for this out there, so let’s just say a brand proposition should cover a) who the audience, being offered value, actually is, b) what that value is, and c) why the brand is unique.
Why this brand proposition is so important is that many SMEs have very similar goals and business objectives, the only differentiator being the industry.
If a business is established for a while, it probably is doing a lot of things right. However, if it wants to, not just survive but differentiate itself and become a great brand, it must have a solid brand proposition.
I wrote in a previous post that 70% of customers buy from brands because of the way they are made to feel. Furthermore, great brands provide a sense of belonging, and even meaning, to people’s lives.
As you can imagine though, great brands don’t just appear. They are built from the ground up being focused, offering solutions and being different, in the eyes of the public. So if you have already had a stab at brand positioning or are going to try it for this year’s planning, we at MX-3 can help you – if you need it.
Not surprisingly. I suppose, in the last 18 months, more and more business owners have had some time to look at their businesses with fresh eyes. As a result, many have being asking us how they can start to build/develop their brand online. Such a topic should be the content of a blog post in itself, but I will outline a few pointers below that would be simple to do at no cost. Of course there are paid-for options but we'll discuss those in another post.
We are delighted when SMEs ask about this because it is a sign that they are taking their brand proposition seriously.
The fact is that a brand is a way for people to remember how you made them feel. This is why they will tell others about you. The proposition is all about you – the owner. It’s your vision after all so think about the big picture of your values and your goals.
Constantly think about your customers – what are they looking for? What are their goals? Once you have a brand proposition you will have a roadmap of where you want to go with your customers, and that needs to be crystal clear. Wouldn’t you agree?
Stay safe - Jim
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