For any SME in this day and age, an effective online presence is a must. Let’s face it if I’m in the market for a particular item/service, my first port of call is probably going to be a Google search on my desktop, phone or even my watch
Just like years ago, if we needed a tradesman to call to our home, for instance, we looked up the Yellow Pages. It still holds that if a friend or a family member give you a referral, you’re more than likely going to check it out first. However, you will still browse further, online, to see what other comments people might have made about a particular supplier.
So, what happens therefore if I can’t find your company's website or any mention of your brand on social media? Well, I’m probably going to go with a competitor who is online and whom I can check out. And I can do that, wherever and whenever I want to.
Smaller companies with lessor marketing budgets, in particular, really need to be a bit smarter about managing an online presence. We would usually recommend a 50/50 split towards building brand awareness and generating leads.
In no way am I suggesting that all the traditional marketing methods don't work, however I am saying that change is always going to happen. If your customers are changing how they purchase, well then you need to change with them. When you think of it, being online facilitates your interaction with existing clients and prospects. Why would you want to ignore that?
It is probably worth noting at this stage that being on social media and having a great website is not going to solve all your marketing requirements. Obtaining a bigger bang for your buck means integrating all of your marketing activity both online and offline, free and paid-for.
For instance, we have noticed that to this day there are still some SMEs on Twitter, that operate it just like they would a direct mailing programme or a regular advertising campaign. This is totally the wrong way to approach your online presence, and it will not work.
The only reason, in our opinion, for businesses to use social media marketing is to build relationships by networking and to be part of a relevant conversation. This way, prospects will get to know you, like you and even trust you, over time.
Another error that SMEs appear to make online is that they treat social media activity like a separate marketing campaign. They become distracted by automation and ‘new tools’ and forget that whatever your brand message is – it should be used consistently across all media, including social. It is still you!
Consistency of brand message is a must because all business touch-points, when aligned, back up your brand promise.
You’re probably sick of hearing this, but people don’t buy from brands – they buy from/connect with people. If you are not being yourself online you will get lost in the melee of brands wasting their time. Let yourself shine through, and people will learn about what you do, because they will be interested to find out.
Solve a problem for them and bingo – you have a new customer.
Here’s what we suggest you take on board:
Stay safe - Jim
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